Magnetic Therapy is a safe, non-invasive method of applying magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes. It is a non-medical method, complimentary and alternative way to enhance the treatment/relief of discomfort and the body natural healing process. It may help to improve sleep quality, without any adverse side effects. Whether used independently or as a adjunct to your current treatment, magnetic therapy is very effective for natural pain relief due to musculoskeletal injuries and chronic conditions, making it an excellent choice for anyone.
Magnetic Therapy may help the following conditions:
1. Carpal Tunnel
2. Arthritis
3. Fibromyalgia
4. Back Pains
5. Sciatica
6. General Arches and Pains
Increased Blood Circulation may help:
1. Diabetes
2. High Blood Pressure
3. Lowers Cholesterol
4. Softens Arteries
5. Reduces Swelling
6. Promotes sound, restful sleep
7. Calms the nervous system
8. Assist in relief of addictive tendencies
Frequently asked questions about Magnetic Therapy
Is there anything else that could be considered a drawback ?
Magnets are 100% safe and non-invasive but they should be kept separately from any other electrical appliabces such as televisions, computers, computer discs, cassettes and credit cards, as their magnetic fields may interfere with each other.
What is Gauss Strength ?
Gauss is a measure of a magnet magnetic field strength. Generally the surface gauss of a magnet is used in description of the strength of biomagnets. The gauss strength of 2000 is recognized to be one that is beneficial in pain management and this is the strength that we generally used in all our products.
How long does it take to work ?
Everyone is different, but the feedback we receive, indicates the effects are averagely felt between two to four weeks of using magnetic therapy, although some people have reported improvements within the first 24 hours.
If I am under prescription, shall stop taking my medication?
No. The information provided on our website is not meant to replace or supersede any instructions that you have been given by your doctors or medical professionals. Our products are not sold as medical devices and we make no guarantees or promises to results of using our products. Please contact us if you need any further information and we will do our best to assist you in any way we can.
Who should NOT use Magnetic Therapy ?
1. Pregnant women
2. People with pacemaker
3. Persons who use high-voltage machinery or work with high-voltage wire.
4. During X-ray examinations
5. Children under the age of 7 years
6. People who are allergic to metals
Disclaimer: The information about the products on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.